Red Flags and your Psychological Gardening Habits

Red Flags, Red flags everywhere! But where are the green flags? We tend to spend a fair amount of time looking for and being aware of red flags like like Narcissisms, jealousy, anger issues and more but do you know any green flags? Do you talk about green flags with your friends and family like you do red flags? If the idea seems novel, you should try it and your not alone. We all tend to focus on being able to “Catch' the red flags so we don't fall into bad relationships but don't seem to focus as much on the green flags or positives in people. In other words we don't do a very good job of checking to see if the grass is green.

Tyler Jamison, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of Human Development and Family Studies at the University of New Hampshire, wrote about some green flags to look for including trustworthiness, they respect your boundaries, help you grow and generally speaking good gut feelings are all green flags. Doctor Jamison also talks about how these traits aren't something to compare your partner to but rather that if you see they may not be a strong communicator, it is room for growth because great relationships are formed, not found. A list of green flags and more explanation can be found at the link below.