The Compact Disk Come Back

What is a Compact Disk? Surely you know what a CD is right? Maybe you are more familiar with Vynle, O those sweet warm sounds. Well as it turns out nostalgia doesn't care about quality as CD's are making a come back.

Generation Z folks, those currently between the age of roughly 11 and 26, are bringing CD's back. Music streaming services continue to dominate the music industry with 84% of music industry revenues in 2023, CD's accounted for 3%, an increase in recent years but a dramatic fall from being the top format in 2002 accounting for nearly 92% of revenue generation. But Why CDs? Why collect stamps or anything for that matter? Gen Z folks see CD's as a collectable in many cases and a way to support their favorite artists and recording lables. Some go so far as to display them proudly in their homes. So it may not be concert posters and Beatle mania anymore, but we still love to support our favorite artisits.